The Best of MetaStellar Year One - Kerry E.B. Black, Glenn Bresciani, William C. Burns, Jr., Stephen Case, James Cato, Barry Charman, Charles Q Choi, DC Diamondopolous, Jelena Dunato, Andrew Dunn, Tony Dunnell, Jonathan Ficke, Melody Friedenthal, Adam Gaylord, Charles Hand, Amanda Hard, Neil Harrison, Bridget Haug, Ted Hayden, Joshua Jones, Michael M. Jones, E. E. King, Katrinka Mannelly, Beth McCabe, Matt McHugh, M.V. Melcer, Marshall J. Moore, Bret Nelson, Wendy Nikel, Spencer Nitkey, Avery Parks, Sarah Pauling, Louis B. Rosenberg, Aeryn Rudel, Robert Runté, Nina Shepardson, Adrian Simmons, Caren Gussoff Sumption, R J Theodore, Surina Venkat, Nicole Walsh, Geordie Morse, Marie Leclaire & Maria Korolov

The Best of MetaStellar Year One

By Kerry E.B. Black, Glenn Bresciani, William C. Burns, Jr., Stephen Case, James Cato, Barry Charman, Charles Q Choi, DC Diamondopolous, Jelena Dunato, Andrew Dunn, Tony Dunnell, Jonathan Ficke, Melody Friedenthal, Adam Gaylord, Charles Hand, Amanda Hard, Neil Harrison, Bridget Haug, Ted Hayden, Joshua Jones, Michael M. Jones, E. E. King, Katrinka Mannelly, Beth McCabe, Matt McHugh, M.V. Melcer, Marshall J. Moore, Bret Nelson, Wendy Nikel, Spencer Nitkey, Avery Parks, Sarah Pauling, Louis B. Rosenberg, Aeryn Rudel, Robert Runté, Nina Shepardson, Adrian Simmons, Caren Gussoff Sumption, R J Theodore, Surina Venkat, Nicole Walsh, Geordie Morse, Marie Leclaire & Maria Korolov

  • Release Date: 2022-07-29
  • Genre: Sci-Fi Short Stories

Forty-one enthralling stories from the most talented new science fiction, fantasy, and horror writers.

MetaStellar is an online publication focusing on science fiction, fantasy, and horror launched in September 2020, founded by a dozen speculative fiction writers, editors, and artists from around the world.

Since then, it's published hundreds of short stories by hundreds of writers, both original fiction, reprints, and excerpts. The proceeds from this anthology will help pay for even more original fiction in years to come.

Read about how...

A band of faeries endeavors to help a worthy little girl… 

– "Twinkle" by Katrinka Mannelly

Lizzie Williams keeps a head in a burlap sack…

– "Lizzie Williams' Swampy Head" by Joshua Jones

It's never a good thing to wake up and find yourself covered in marigolds…            

– "How the Monarchs Came to Utah" by E. E. King

The old storms have gone away, and a little wonder has gone out of the world with them…

– "The Old Storms" by Nina Shepardson

In a society where everybody is beautiful, physical imperfection becomes a career move…

– "Bellatrification" by Jelena Dunato

Two cyborgs, a woman, and a parrot, are outmatched by their deep space competitors…

– "A Ship With No Parrot" by R. J. Theodore

A dentist with a dark family history receives a request to fit a patient with a very unique set of teeth…

̶  "Second Bite" by Aeryn Rudel

A hayride with an old friend from the past unveils uncomfortable truths…

– "William's Legacy" by Bridget Haug

… and thirty-two other short tales of wonder, shock, and awe.


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Terry Barnes
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Pastor Shahuano
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Wouter van der Giessen
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