#my_marina - AA.VV.



  • Release Date: 2014-01-24
  • Genre: Photography

Questo libro raccoglie una selezione di iPhone photography, scatti con la camera del telefonino, editati e pubblicati con l’app Instagram. #My_marina documenta un percorso che ha coinvolto oltre duemila persone in più di dieci paesi per una indagine legata al tema del confine tra terra e mare. Nell’autunno 2013 si è costruito uno scenario collettivo delle coste in Europa attraverso le immagini scattate da appassionati, invitati a co-creare un atlante di instantanee. Tra i fotografi presenti nel libro: P. Gonzalez, fondatore di Instagramers, E. Barreca, J. Macdonald, M. Möller, G. Riva. / This book collects a selection of iPhone photography, shots made using a smartphone camera that were edited and published through the Instagram app. #my_marina highlights a path that engaged over 2 thousand people in more than 10 countries, investigating the boundary between earth and sea. In the autumn of 2013, a collective scenery of European coasts was built through the images shot by passionate photographers, who co-created an atlas of snapshots. Some of the photographers whose work is showcased in this book are P. Gonzalez, founder of Instagramers, E. Barreca, J. Macdonald, M. Möller, G. Riva.


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Ashley Ann
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Cheryl Lynn
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Erin Cochran Cole
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Kyle Magner
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Eric Mn
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Terry Barnes
One of the best book I've seen this year!
Pastor Shahuano
Excited, Happy Reading guys !!!
Laura Velez Garcia
Thanks, I'm so glad to be reading this book
Wouter van der Giessen
Laura Velez Garcia yes same me too
Janet McCann
Sign up was really easy. Less than 1 minute I was hooked up